HOI Message

I would like to convey my heartfelt tribute to those people who were zealous in spreading education in their locality. By their collective effort an institution “Nimtala Vidyaniketan” was established on 6th April 1948 by the side of the beautiful river Jalangi. Some of them whose name shine bright in the memory are Niranjan Biswas, Nanigopal Joarder, Bibhuti Bhusan Biswas, Lalit Mohan Biswas, Kshitish Biswas, Jatin Biswas, Naresh Chandra Biswas, Jamini Mohan Biswas Nityananda Biswas, Hemanta Kumar Biswas ,Jyotish Biswas ,Sisir Kumar Roy, Bidhubhusan Biswas , Kamala kanta Munshi, Kumaresh Chandra Biswas, Besides them a good no. of people came forward to contribute their best and they did it.

Welcome To Our School

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Contact Us

Nimtala Vidyaniketan (H.S.)
Vill & PO: Raghunathpur,
P.S.: Tehatta,
Pin: 741160,
Dist.: Nadia,
State: West Bengal.